"Maqamati - My Maqams"
Traditional Iraqi Maqam
performed by Angham Al Rafidain Ensemble
Concept: Taha Gharib
Reciter and Joza player: Taha Gharib
Reciter and Santur player: Sabah Hashim
Tabla player: Mohamed Khalil
Riqq player: Qais Abdulrazzaq
A production of CVAS, Al Noor Foundation and Emcue e.V. in coproduction with Angham Al Rafidain Ensemble.
Iraqi Maqam - an intangible heritage of humanity, UNESCO
The type of music performed by the Baghdadi Angham Al Rafidain Ensemble is known as Iraqi maqam. The ensemble is specialised in singing and performing the original traditional maqam from Baghdad, where this genre of secular art music - Al Maqam - was especially cultivated.
The double CD "Maqamati" is a collection of original Baghdadi maqam songs. the two CDs include a complete maqam concert, called fasl with a variation of family songs with different stories, moods and characteristics. The CD come along with a booklet, giving background information about the music genre and the presented songs.
The CD is for cultural use, only, no commercial distribution.
The Iraqi Maqam is a set of musical conceptions and techniques on the basis of a given set of rules. In Iraq, the Maqam refers to a special kind of "suite" consisting of improvisations based on certain standard rules or performance and aesthetics. Al Maqam means dawr or melodic scale. The European scale is made up of tones and semitones while the Arabic scale is made up of quarter tones as well. The notes are represented by the names of the degrees of the scale. The degrees are called Maqams. Maqam is a collection of sung poems written either in one of the sixteen meters of classical Arabic or in Iraqi dialect (Zuhayri).
Maqam songs recorded many events and social aspects. Maqam historically fulfilled the purpose of a cultural ideal to foster respect for ethnic and social diversity. It is an expression of collective identity.
The roots of Iraqi Maqam can be traced back to Baghdad's heyday in the days of the Abbasid Caliphate, although the style of 19th century Turkmen composer Rahmat Allah Shiltegh (1798-1872) has had a more direct influence on modern Iraqi Maqam. In terms of content, however, the influence of Abbasid Baghdad is clearly discernible, for many of the lyrics for contemporary Maqam are taken from classical poetry, and in many instances it is those great poets of Baghdad's glorious pre-eminence who are the source.
Maqam ensembles (called Chalghi) typically include musicians playing Joza (viola), Santur (a trapezoidal dulcimer-like instrument with 23 strings), Daff or Raq (tambourine) and Tabla (hand drum) and a singer (called Qari), who recites the often centuries-old lyrics. Some troupes add the oud, which is not an instrument originally included in Maqam ensemble and will not be used in the two CD editions.
In 1996, the formation of Angham Al Rafidain Ensemble (Mesopotamia Music Ensemble) was announced in the House of Iraqi Maqam in Baghdad. The group is interested in folk music and singing, preserving the musical heritage by maintaining the authenticity of Iraqi Maqam. These artistic pieces have stood the test of time and represent the aspiration and dreams of Iraqi people over hundreds of years because they contain moral and spiritual values.
The ensemble was formed according to the old standard of the Baghdadi Ensemble (called Chalgi) which is composed of four musicians who play on the traditional instruments Djoza (violin), Santouri (dulcimer-like instrument with 23 strings), raq or daff (tambourine) and darbuka (hand drum).
But, what was new on this configuration was that the ensemble members were Maqam singers and musicians recommended by specialists for their high musical qualifications and devotion to the Iraqi Maqam.
Since it was founded and with their premiere at the International Babylon Festival, the ensemble participated in all significant events of the Department of Musical Arts, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Iraq and presented various recordings and shows on Baghdad Radio and TV. After 2003, the ensemble went on tour to America, Europe, Asia and North Africa, participating in different festivals and giving several concerts abroad.
May 2015
in Baghdad, Iraq

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