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EMCUE is an acronym formed by the words Europe MENA Cultural Exchange.
EMCUE is a Germany-based NGO with representatives in Baghdad, Berlin and Cairo and is dedicated to building interdisciplinary transnational projects and educational activities in visual and performing arts, film, music and literature with the aim of promoting dialogue and exchange between cultures of Europe and the MENA region.
EMCUE operates content related and artistically on a local, regional and international level and most intensive in a cross-border social political context.
EMCUE e.V. believes in the role of art as a tool that can empower the individual and bring out modes of expression that are neglected and otherwise stifled.
The associations aims to create and maintain e.g.:
• developing and circulation of interdisciplinary, transcultural productions and events
• supporting others practice-enhancing measures such as workshops, panels and symposia
• establishment of a moving Europe-MENA laboratory for performing arts and film
EMCUE actively works on creating an international network between education, media, cultural players and civil society organisations.

The Experience of Revolution.jpg
by Janet Stornowski, Germany a production of Emcue e.V. photo by Murtadha Faysal

Happiness of a Little Family.jpg
by Mohamed Shafik, Egypt a production of Emcue e.V. photo by Murtadha Faysal

Shootings Arte Metropolis
Cairo, 2012 photo by Bahaa Talis

The Experience of Revolution.jpg
by Janet Stornowski, Germany a production of Emcue e.V. photo by Murtadha Faysal
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